Sargent Equestrian Center is one of the hidden gems that I feel many have not yet discovered. From the awe-inspiring and pristinely kept facility, to the meticulous care and attention the horses are given, there is no other place as grand as this.
Jeanne Williams is one of the significant driving forces, allowing the facility to be such a great place to have myself and my pony, Diamond, training at. Being relatively new to horses and to driving horses, coupled with a young and newly developed pony, caused me to carefully select a facility suitable for us.
Gaining the driving knowledge and skills, has been easy as following the steps that Jeanne has broken down to very simple tasks. Jeanne’s extensive knowledge in equine training, competing, care and preparing horses for competition, has allowed me to feel safe and well prepared with Diamond. We are excited and ready to compete in the events this season.
Within the barn, one will notice the warm and inviting feel and camaraderie among all at the barn. -Everyone is willing to help others.
From a client that has had his high expectations and standards surpassed at Sargent's, -Don Kinoshita
Emery Hinkley driving Lucas
Emery Hinkley
I couldn't be more pleased with Clay Maier’s training of my horse. Clay is a consistently patient, calm and insightful horseman with many talents. He has been quick to understand the particular challenges and aspects of my green horse and has carefully developed him to be a very confident and happy Combined Driving competition ready horse. Clay has also been very thoughtful about my driving skills and particular needs. Throughout, he has been eager to clearly communicate to me the qualities that encourage and support a successful partnership between me and my horse. Sargent Equestrian Center is a one of a kind carriage driving boarding and training facility on the West Coast with huge turn outs, miles of trails, large indoor and outdoor arenas and a wonderful, fun, caring and efficient staff and friendly clientele. It has been a pleasure to see my horse so well trained and cared for! What a fabulous and fun experience this has been. I highly recommend it! Thank you Clay, Jeanne and Catherine! -Emery Hinkley
Belle Davis
"Jeanne and Vernon - Wow, I am still excited about the past weekend, it was great! I want you and Vernon to know how much I appreciate everything you have done to help my dream come true and I am hoping this is only the beginning!! Belle" – Belle
Susan Lyons
"Jeanne and Vernon, you have expanded my world with all my training and showing needs. Your work with Cruiser has been phenomenal. He has come such a long way and your patience and perseverance have given me opportunities I never expected. This year I checked off my bucket list for yet another achieved goal: driving my beautiful stallion in all the shows -- even the Fall Pleasure Show. Wow! Sargent Equestrian Center is my favorite place to learn, to drive, to fellowship, and to relax. Thank you for your excellent training and wonderful friendships. I look forward to next year's checkmark!' - Susan Lyons
Debra Lawlor
“We both kept saying "Wow!" the whole way home Sunday night. We never expected the weekend to work out the way it did, and we both had a wonderful time. Thanks so much for putting on such an instructive and well run clinic! – Debra Lawlor
Kathy Freeman
"Jeanne - You have what I think is something to aspire to... you give every sign of being quite comfortable and knowledgeable about what you're doing when your driving - which transmits quite well to the horse you're working with. I know that only comes from years of working with horses, but I still think it is great. I also am sure you'll do VERY well in whatever horse world you choose to work in. Hope to see you this winter." – Kathy Freeman
Susan Trinity
'Chakra is doing well...coming along in dressage and lower level jumping. When I take him to shows or even just out for a trail ride I feel like I'm with a celebrity. At our last show there must have been at least 5 people that came up and commented on how beautiful he was. If you ever have another horse that comes close to Chakra, I have several people interested.' - Susan Trinity